Saturday, July 23, 2011

Are Man Utd parading their N-N-N-N-N-N-Nineteenth TROPHY today?

I heard Liverpool are sending spies to take notes on how to celebrate a league trophy so they can update their history books...

Should any image of God be made?

I am appalled at the image of God in the Sistine chapel and pictures of a white jesus. This to me is racism and white supremecy being done in a spiritual way. We are force to believe that god and jesus are white men. I am sorry, this is just not right! Do anyone agree with me?! I am not being racist, I think this is really a serious matter, and don't tell me if makes no difference, that only means you are afraid of being racist by saying anything, It DOES make a difference to black and brown people who have no images of a black or brown god, not that there should be any. The image in the Sistine Chapel should be removed.

Are dog parks safe to go to?

I used to take my Golden Retriever to the dog park but the last time she was getting overly friendly to this other dogs owner, the other dog seemed to be getting jealous and was barking at her. I thought he might attack her. Should she have backed off and did she have bad doggy manners? Is it safe to take her back?

So i'm currently in a Landlord /Tenant suit with me being the Tenant that is very close to a settlement as we?

speak. This case has gotten so out of hand it is scheduled for a Jury Trial on July 21,2011.. Anyway as i stated the negotiating has come very close to being settled but now, I recently just got word from my neighbors that the Landlord has been calling them and slamming my name and business with the information regarding court and other personal business to them and calling me all kinds of names and also accusing me of things that never happened.. My neighbors said they were appalled and couldn't believe the L.L. did such a thing, so i was just wondering if there is anything i can legally do, My neighbors said they will absolutely come to court to testify if needed.. Please help.

Am i pregnant? please help me?

I asked a question the other day but now I'm having more symptoms. I got my last period on April nineteenth and we had sex alot and my cycle is usually twenty eight days and on may twenty third I noticed I i wiped very light pink what I think is spotting. I thought it was the beginning of my period but I've been very lightly spotting brownish redish pinkish blood on a panty liner for the past three days. Its not alot. My periods are usually long heavy and painful. bUt I haven't had any cramps. My nipples have a brown ring going around them and I've been feeling nauseous for days. Please help?

Why can't people accept more minorities are on Welfare?

If your white boss were hiring more blacks and latinos, perhaps fewer of them would have to be on Welfare. But, Black men are put in prison for taking drugs when they're 18... White men are ignored, because their drugs are done at Frat parties. When the Black man gets out of jail, to survive he had to become a hardened criminal.

Would you date a girl that weighed 199lbs?

I know your probably looking for answers from guys, but I swing just about any way possible, but I'm still very picky. But I deffinently would. You sound adorable and funny, and ill be damned but since when has size mattered? So yes, ye si would. :)

What is happening to me?

The fact that you think this has anything at all to do with Wicca suggests you have a highly overactive imagination and a love of the fantastical. Wounds don't just vanish. Winds come and go. Playing Harry Potter does not invoke real magic. Real magic doesn't do what you're claiming.

Wouldn't you consider this rude?? I feel so embarrassed?

My girlfriend invited me over to her house tonight to have dinner with his dad. So it was all good and all except her dad was acting a bit arrogant and haughty. Anyway, we were eating dinner and the Father in the middle of our dinner said that he needed to talk to me before I went home. My gf looked embarrassed when her dad said that. So after we finish our dinner I go into the living room and her dad started giving me tips about how to eat properly. He criticized the fact that I had my elbows on the table, didn't chew properly, didn't set the fork and spoon correctly, and pushed my meal away after I was finished. He said if I wanted to be his daughter's boyfriend then I needed to have better table manners and etiquette. I was so appalled by him that I just said thank you for the tips and goodnight. My girlfriend did say sorry as I was leaving the door but I said don't worry about it.

I'm so scared and paranoid!!?

Well i watched scary movies like 2 weeks ago. And i used to love them! like ghost ones but i watched 2 really scary ones and I am so scared of demons and ghost. like my dog will bark in room at random things when i'm the only one home. but we built the house. and it just scares me and im more scared because my best friend that lives in my neighborhood have had demons in her before. But i'm not gonna go into detail. But she lives in the back of the neighborhood by some woods that i think that people have done witch craft before. and im not going to go into detail why. and im always scared at night i cant close my eyes at night unless my mom sleeps with me... idk what to do

Guys will you answer. This is annoying me!?

i could tell he's a jerk, and sounds sort of a sick, psycho person. I mean, i bet he's jealous that youre so smart, and is about to have a successful life which by the way, i wish i was like you, even though im not 22 yet. :) Haha anyway, i would ignore him, block him, and do anything to never speak to him, and go off and marry the man you love, and not listen to what your ex-bf is telling you. Best of luck and i hope i helped ya. :)

Do you agree that "No one understands, not even I, the appalling strangeness of the mercy of God"?

This is a quote from Graham Greene's book Brighton Rock. Does this make sense to you and do you agree? Can you perhaps give an example from your life?

Survey: What are your views on the sentencing of this 11 yr old child to life imprisonment?

Your right, in Canada that child may spend maybe a couple of years in a juvenile detention centre, be made to do long community service hours, anger classes, etc but to sentence a child aged 11 to life imprisonment is beyond ludicrous, a child`s brain is still growing and developing at that tender age, 11 year olds may not know the consequences of their actions. Never would I sentence someone that young to life, I mean when that kid is 55 and in a cell, he will say I was locked up for a stupid mistake i made when I was an 11 year old stupid misguided ignorant little boy, im now old and gray and i`ll never get the chance to live life again.

Stay in relationship and compromise,or leave now ?.?

My current girlfriend has been with me for a little over 8 months,and she lives with two 40 ibs dogs. I personally don't like dogs,barking invading of space,un deciplined,sleeping on bed,hair,and a number of other things just irritate me. It's her place so I don't mind,but we have a problem now where I told her I won't move in with her as long as she has dogs. Her current dogs are older in age,and I told her I would wait till their time comes,but I won't live with dogs in a place of my own. It is wrong of me,but I can't help it,it's compulsive. I can't deal with their mess,and their invasion of your space,but I love her very much,and don't know what to do.

What will happen to my neighbours dog?

my neighbours mastiff dog escaped and attacked and killed my Jack russell, my three yr old son saw it happen and is terrified. the court put a control order on the dog saying that it had to be muzzled at all times outside and on a lead, less than a week after the control order was issued the dog escaped and was wandering the streets barking at people. what will happen to the dog now? will they give my neighbours another chance? my 3 yr old son is terrified of all dogs and wakes up screaming every night, we never asked for the dog to be put down, we just didnt want it back next door after what it did, the police have seized the dog and the owners are having to go back to court

My Japanese Chin dog don't bark?

I have a healthy Japanese Chin dog name Gizmo, but he just doesn't bark. When ever he hears other dogs he only picks his ears up. The only times he barks is when his at sleep. Is a really really low bark (he only does it like 2 or 3 times) and also wiggles his tail :) so i know that's good. but should i be worry?

My dog is crying out in pain. Is this normal? Anything I can do to ease it?

Don't worry, remember that puppies tend to be a little more sensitive compared to dogs. The reactions to vaccines are mild, he might just be a little drowsy and cranky for the next few days. My puppy got her rabies shot and some other vaccines and she was the same. No worries, just make sure you (and your family) are careful with the puppy and try to avoid rough play (for now)

How do you make your dog accept visitors?

You really need to call in an animal behavorist for this. Dogs that have actually nipped somone are nothing top play around with. Remenber the YOU are leagally responsible if the dog bites someone. Until you do keep the dog in a room by itself when you have people over.

Do I need to carry an ID while I'm out doing yard work?

Of course you don't need to carry your ID; In you car, yes you do but anything else other then that and out buying items you don't need it. If a officer asks for your ID when your out doing yard work just tell him your name and he'll have all the information he needs (he has a laptop built in his car) all policemen do. Therefore you do not need an ID.

Controlling MIL -- husband and I very close to divorcing?

You need to give your husband an alter matum - either stops leting his mother trying run your relationship or you are going to leave. but you HAVE to mean it and follow through with this alter matum. You have to stand your ground.

Do you think my thesis alright, how can I make better?

The Edwardians by, Vita Sackville-West, describes the rigid social structure of England during the early nineteenth century; focusing on the Edwardian aristocracy. Sebastian is a young duke living a life of luxury and is next in line to inherit the family estate, Chevron during the decline of the Edwardian era, when social class distinctions are slowly becoming less revered; similar to modern social stratification: a more mobile and accepted society.

My dog scared the crap outta me.?

I own a boxer/pit mix. He's only 7 months old and sleeps with me. Rite infront of the window. Today at 6:40am he jumped straight up, ran to the window and started barking like crazzii. I've heard him bark b4 but nevr like this. He wuz howling and everything and I kept pushing him away but he held his ground. Anywayz when I looked at him I noticed tht the hairs ontop of his tail wuz standing up, and the hairs on his neck were to. Wht does tht mean.? And wht wuz he so scared of if there wuz nuthin outside.?

How do you get a dog to stop barking?

Barking at the door, at people. It gets worse and of course its not a pleasant thing. He's rebellious, but not even too old yet, but he's already picked up the habit of barking A LOT to certain family members for nothing, and sometimes me and siblings if he doesn't get what he wants including attention after we stay away from him for being so loud and bad. :/ suggestions please?

My fitness is appalling, help please?

It's not good if it's that high for long amounts of time, but it's ok for a little bit of time. I would join an activity tho instead! Exercising by yourself is hard and boring. I would join a school sport cause you get friends and have fun while staying healthy! I would suggest colorguard because I love it and it's ammazing, but alot of schools don't have one, however I lost 50 pounds total in my 4 years of guard which doesn't seem like alot in the amount of time but I really hadn't tried the first three years an only lost 20 in those years and this year I lost about another 30 because I started eating healthier too! So just find an activity that will get you active and having fun! Good luck!!!

Male Dog Problem. Is This Normal?

My friend has a 1 year old male jack russell. I usually bring my two female cairn terriers with me when I visit and they all get on great. One of my cairn terriers is 3 years old and well able to handle herself and he tends to leave her alone as she puts him in his place. My other cairn terrier is 5 months old and he doesn't bother with her as she has never gone into heat so they all play together however my other friend has a ten month old female pom crossed with a terrier and when she visits he never leaves the poor dog alone .He is constantly tries to mate with her even though she isn't in season, he sometimes gets very aggressive and this only started to happen after she went into her first heat. She is a very gentle dog and never barks at him or anything so he takes advantage. My friend doesn't bring her dog anymore because of this. Is it normal for a male dog to constantly want to mate even if the ***** isn't in heat. In my opinion he is overly aggressive with it. I have never had a male dog so I don't know if this is normal. Just so you know I have never brought my dogs over when they have been in heat and never will and my friend doesn't either. Any help from male dog owners would be very much appreciated. I have suggested to my friend to get her male neutered as not only is he aggressive with mating but he is very high in energy and sometimes seems frantic with frustration.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Read/Critique my Personal Statement?

Amazing, feelings full. Beautifully written. I had to hunt roaches at my girlfriend appartment once and I loved her so much

How hot is too hot to ride?

Maybe I'm over reacting, but I'm slightly disgusted right now. Today we hit a record temperature of 100 with moderate humidity-like 40%. Maybe that's not hot to some of you, but I live in western WI where temperatures now should be in the upper 70's/low 80's now. When we get to 90 it's you get the point. Anyway, I went to the barn to hose off my horse's legs and put fly spray on. I feel so bad he even has to be outside in this weather....then I find out, the barn I work at had lessons today. My friend lessons/sorta works there, and she said she rode two horses and 5 others rode, along with one of the trainers and the lesson kids. There were a lot of horses ridden today. Honestly I was appalled. I felt bad just walking my horse up from the pasture. Am I over-reacting? Do you ride when it's this hot? Do you have a set temperature, where you won't ride if it's hotter than that?

Has the 20th century been Canada's century?

I find that preposterous on a Global scale from the clear point that the British Empire most definitely ruled the 19th century. The US was in now way a global power of the 19th century in any way. It wasn't until the massive boost after WWII that the US took point as the major power. The one I've always heard is that the 19th century was the "British" century, the twentieth was the "American" century, and most recently the 21st century will be the "chinese" century.

Is my girl playing games or what?

Listen, the girl obviously is making this up. Not many girls would talk about rape and certainly not tell 7 different stories. I think she may love you if she has stuck to you but she doesn't want to admit her mistake and loose you. I guess it's forgive and forget or split up.

My dog doesn't barely bark..?

She barks once in a while but she can go days even weeks without barking.. is it normal? is there a wayu i could teach her to talk or something?

Any ideas on a very dependable rifle that will last a lifetime?

I was thinking an AR-15, but I do not want to spend appalling amounts of money. I need this to last a lifetime, and I am joining a police department very soon. Any ideas?

Kids threw a rock through my window -- What can I do legally to fight back?

Report him to the police, and sue his parents for replacement damages. Taking the law into your own hands is going to bite you on the butt.

Black Ops...........................…

nah sorry to burst the bubble its alot of rubbish. im only level 34 but from the last cod games it acheived nothing. best sticking to your top level and not going prestige

Why a dog ????????????????????

How do you think your poor mother felt when you were born? A chubby, crying little mush blob that sh*ts in his pants, spits up, and drools. And she kept you around, didn't she! Dogs are much cleaner than babies, are the cutest things on this planet, can be service dogs to the specially abled, are one of the smartest animals, and love you unconditionally. There is nothing like a great dog, and I hope you never get the pleasure of having one you ignorant ****

1. Frankenstein was greatly influenced by Mary Shelley’s involvement in the Romantic movement. This nineteenth?

Even more influenced the copious amounts of opium she used before crashing out,and then having the dream that formed the basis of her story.

How can i forgive myself for being so closed-minded? I feel ashamed and disgusted?

Oh please, stop beating yourself up over something that doesn't even directly affect you. That's ridiculous. Here's what you have now learned, instead of being opinionated, to leave your mind open. That is something you learned and there's no reason for self-loathing.

Do you think bark chippings are good for african land snails?

i hav a african land snail and shee is doing really well in bark chippings shee has also laid eggs in them so i was just wondering what you think thnx

How do you get unwanted thoughts out of your head?

Last night I was laying down. I was really paranoid that someone was watching me through the window. Then I heard barking. But it wasn't my dog, I know because I can tell the difference between different barks and it sounded like it was right outside my door but it was subtle, it sounded like it wasn't there but it was. It was getting incredibly annoying so I tried to close my eyes and get some sleep. But images of tarantulas kept popping up in my head. So I tried to thing of other things like unicorns and docks above lakes but tarantulas kept popping up! I eventually had to get my favorite DVD and turn it up really loud and put the air conditioning on high (which is loud). That worked but I need other ways. Like what should I do if this happens and I am not at home? Thanks and no rude answers please. :)

Did they have newspapers in the 1800's? Obituaries section?

Did they publish an "Obituaries" Section for the public to see in the mid-nineteenth century? Thanks

I live with a violent partner?

all you can do is try to get full custody if i were you i would ( if you have any cameras) put them in the house and record any abuse she inflicts on you. then you will have solid evidence against her. use this against her even if it's a computer camera turn it on and record her, i hope it works out for you

What should i do............................…

he is holding you back! leave him and try and sort your life out, you're still young. i hope things change for you

I've heard tell that Queen Elizabeth II loves to partake of absinthe. Where does she get her absinthe?

She frequently has a green ring around her mouth from the stuff. It's quite appalling to think of her in this fashion; boozed up and emitting an eerie green aura.

I need to send an MP3 clip to someone on Facebook, but it's impossible?

I should preface this by saying, my knowledge of all things technical is appalling. But I really need to send an Mp3 audio clip to someone and it seems like this is impossible. It is a professional obligation and this person is not on my friends list (if this makes a difference) But is there any way to convert the MP3 to a format that is able to be sent? My only access to them is through Facebook. Thank you so much for any advice.

I am the owner of a black lab . His age is about 4 months but he does not used to bark any outsider?

suggest any method that will make him bark towards outsider and also suggest an ideal diet for my lab.

Is Bernie Goldberg right that all conservatives must yell racism when anyone questions Herman Cain?

No I won't stoop to the level that the democrats have yelling racist all the time, even if it is so., Stewart is an out of touch left wing nut in my opinion

COD WAW CHEATERS!!!! How do you report them to Xbox Live?

all u gotta do is go to their gamercard and file a complaint for cheating. its different from WAW. just hit the guide button. go to ur friends list and go all the way to recent players then find their gamercard file complaint. all there is too it.

Did people in Britain say "Zounds" in the nineteenth century?

Zounds (God's wounds), Oddsbodkins (God's bodkins) and other similar curses were to avoid the basphemy laws. By the 19th Century, there was no need to worry about blasphemy and these expressions faded out of use.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My dog barks and growl at other dogs can anyone help?

if he is not cut that is your problem i breed dogs and sell the puppies and we always ask if the new owners will what the males cut just so they aren't aggressive and are easier to train

What type of dog should I get?

I have a dog that is 2 years old (Boxer-Lab) and im thinking about getting my mother a small dog. She does not like my dog, because he is big and barks. She likes small , quiet dogs that dont need a lot of food or hair cuts. it cant be yipppie ether. Can you help?

Why does my dog do this?

Do you know those stuffing less dog toys like skunks and raccoons ? Well we got my dog a few for toys and anyway at first she was afraid of them but now she thinks they are her babies. She carries them around everywhere she goes (very gently), barks at anyone who touches them, licks and cleans them constantly, and i think she has even tried nursing this a few times. Do you know why this might be?

Neighbours complaing about dogs barking?

So we have 2 dogs. Jack Russell Collie cross. 3 years old. They are well behaved apart from the barking which is NOT excessive. They only bark when people come to the door or walk past the gate which we have tried to cover up so they can't see but just always seem to sense them still! When there are birds in the garden and when a cat is there which is understandable. Also there are dogs either side of us which bark and set each other off so i can't help that. But when ever they do bark its for no more than 10 seconds as we get them inside or tell them no. And the funny thing is she moans about dogs barking and decided to get one her self a few weeks ago. She lives opposite us so our fence is her fence as well where he dog goes up and makes ours bark. We have taken into consideration the times they bark and stuff its not like we just leave them barking. Shes been round twice now and has said she has told us she has told the council last year but we have had no letter. Also saying shes gonna said her husband round LOL. It seriously isnt as bad as shes making they do it about 3 times a day and when people are going up to fetch there kids from school we always keep them inside then. So whos wrong? What else could we possibly do??

My 11 week old shih tzu puppie got stung!~ HELP?

All we ever see in our yard is wasps, so I believe that it was a wasp, could not see a stinger, it was on the side of her head , just under her ear. It swelled up about the size of a with a white center, she did not have any reaction other than this, then the next day, it began to itch like crazy and she scratched it tell it popped and oozed and bled. I cleaned her up, applied neosporin for infection and made a little Elizabethan collar , so she could not scratch it again. (This all happened on a week end so no vets open of course, we have an emergency clinic, but it is $400 just to walk through the door, I have been there before!) So it is now Monday and the swelling has gone down a lot, and it looks a lot better, like its finally healing, do you think I should still take her to the Vet. She is very active, eating great, barking and playing as normal. Worried mommy!!!

What type of bark mulch for pet snake?

What kind of bark mulch would be best for a snake (king)? I know cedar, redwood and pine aren't good for snakes, or anything with added chemicals. I'm looking for a cheaper alternative to the shavings you get at the pet store. Any suggestions?

Accurate world history help? Will give points!?

You can Google these quite easily or if you send me twenty bucks I'll do the work for you COD only PM me for details thanks!

What political and democratic trends changed Americans’ overall perceptions respecting rights of citizenship ?

2) The Revolutionary generation wanted to establish a nation built around the talents of disinterested and virtuous leaders. By the early nineteenth century, ordinary persons identified their roles as active citizens essential to the American political experience. What political and democratic trends transformed Americans’ overall perceptions respecting rights of citizenship? To what extent did the rise of democracy reshape the nation’s political culture and did all Americans’ rhetoric and actions reveal any serious morale contradictions?

ATHEISTS: Why Do You Only Attack Christians On Here...?

atheists are under the control of satan so what do you expect, they are evil. the demons in them make them say these horrible things

Hi need help in History and Philosophy of Science, please?

In what ways did Darwin’s theory of evolution differ from other nineteenth-century evolutionary theories?

Why do dogs bark at each other?

Is it a warning, socialisation etc? For example my dog barks if people come to the house which sets of a neighbours dog but my dog doesn't bark if it is the other way round.

Dog was acting weird for a moment (not a health issue)..?

Some dogs go a little nuts when a wild or domestic animal uses the bathroom on their property.. they can pick up on human smells to! Anything really.. It could have just been excited and wanted to play.. perhaps it burried something there and just wanted you to know? Also, if you live in the United States, there is no real worry with rabies.. especially if they have their shots! Now that the dog is calm, and as long as it's eating.. There is nothing to worry about! :)

How to get fake tan not streaky?

im a irish dancer and I'm going to nationals so my legs have to be like a bark (ok well not that dark, but pretty dark) color. and every time i put fake tan on it always streaks sooo bad! i have tried putting it on thick, thin, waiting for it to dry before putting on another coat, not waiting for it to dry to put on another coat, putting on one layer one day the next layer the other day. i have tried everything! and it still streaks. i used loreal sublime bronze gel and the dark lotion. also the BE faux tan. and i really dont want a spray tan. what can i do?

Differences mediterannean girls vs. british girls?

Upon visiting areas in the mediterrean and britain i am really appalled in the differences of how women present themselves.... in the mediterranean countries women were quite petite/short, beautiful, and really well dressed and put together....they dressed in very very classy clothing and always had their hair done... however, when visiting the british countries i noticed quite the opposite.... many british girls presented themselves as plain SLOBS!!!! clothing was very sloppy... and manners were terrible.... it seemed that all the british girls wanted to do was drink and belch all day.... and their housekeeping was atrocious compared to the mediterraneans.... they were just utter pigs and burped and farted like animals.... the mediterraneans barely drank, and kept gorgeous looking homes that sparkled.... they were just so much more lady like than those pigs.... has anyone elese noticed these differences ?

I get depressed about how low my country has become..?

you think this is bad, don't travel to the US. the Us is really a mess. Progressives, liberals took over.the country is in decline.

Do you care how many "protesters" get killed in any muslim country?

Aren't these the same wastes of space who dance when we die?...watching the liberal media,it seems i am supposed to be appalled,but i am not...the more, the merrier,says I...

How can i get rid of my fear of dogs?

I have a terrible fear of dogs..very scared of them. Dogs always chase me because they sense my fear, and they always bark at me and follow me. I am very scared of them, even if they are locked up, i am afraid of them all the time. When I was little a dog chased me, I was about 4 years old, also i have had other bad expirences with dogs. I have never been bitten, but I am always running away from them, I cant help it. When I rode my bike on a busy street, the dog's owner, lost control over the leash, because the dog pulled so fast and chased me so far, and barked at me sooo bad. I cant get a dog because my parents wont let me have any animals, and we cant afford it. I really dont want them chasing after me and to be afraid of them anymore.

My new pup learned a bad!?

my new puppy has gotten used to waking me up at exactly 6 a.m. to go potty, then we go lay back down, but she has to be under the blanket with me to fall back asleep. Then at exactly 7:30 everytime she will bark at my face and tell me shes ready to play! lol...i let it happen at first because she was scared of her new home and I wanted her to feel comfortable. Now Im so tired everyday and I miss waking up at the usual 9 am...any ideas how to get her back to work with my schedule and not vice versa......oh yeah, btw, I pick up her food/water bowls at 6-7 pm and we dont go to bed until my husband gets home from work at 12-1 is it she doesnt sleep longer?

Are the coloured elastics on Braces Important?

the colored bands is what keeps the wire attatched to the bracket so yes it would be bad to remove those. just call your ortho and see if you can make an appt to change the color of the bands, but you shoujld have know what color they put on before you left, they always ask me what color i want on.

My dog just bit me for the first time, please help?

I have a 3year old female toy poodle and she bit me today for the first time she wont let me carry her or anything and she has never done that to me, She usually is very sweet with me and my dad only, so he biting me is very strange because im the one she trusts the most and is always friendly with me she only listens to me as well therefore her not letting me carry her is very unusual i dont know what to do? she doesnt listen to me when i call her or anything, i noticed she looks kind of sad though. I also have a male toy poodle just recently got him about a year ago and he has been acting very annoying and barking all the time. Today i took him inside to give him a bath and left my other dog outside so i think maybe she got sensitive because i didnt take her inside with me, she is very spoiled. Well i would be very happy if anyone helps me with this problem. Should i take her to the vet? Can she be pregnant? i've heard that they dont like being touched when they are pregnant?

Why does my puppy bark at people?

Whenever we go out shopping where we can bring them, one of the puppies keeps barking at people that walk by. The other puppy just growls and keeps walking. Y do they do this?

Dog barking at cats for nothing, how do i stop it?

ok so if my cats are sleeping or sitting somewhere my puppy will come up to them and start barking at them or nothing and then my cats are like wat the farrrrrk get away from me and then they will hiss and claw her but even after they do that she still goes back and starts barking at them( and she is a maltese x poodle puppy and her bark is kinda annoying) when she is barking at cats, how do i make her stop so her doesn't get really hurt? and also sometimes she smells her buts do u think she thinks they are dogs and she wants them 2 bark at her?

Poll: What is your favorite novel that was first published in the nineteenth century ?

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett (well technically it was published in the early 1900s but the author wrote during the 1800s).

Chris Brown is STILL famous? Why are ppl still supporting him?

i never liked him in the first place and after what he did i absolutly can stand him he is a ******** scumbagg

Do pet dogs ever eat wild animals?

Some do, some don't. I currently have a cattle dog mix who will catch squirrels without even injuring them, but I used to have two terriers who would kill and eat lizards, birds, snakes, mice, rats, etc. Basically anything that would fit in their mouth. I think it depends a lot on the dog, and maybe the breed. Terrier were bred to kill rodents, but cattle dogs are supposed to herd and keep safe the flock. Labs, at least, are bred as retrievers, so it makes sense that he wouldn't eat it.

Atheists, is this opinion typical among you? what is your response to it?

'the hateful things said about believers by Richard Dawkins' -funny how you can't give us ONE example!

Can someone edit this SMALL sentence for me and make it sound BETTER? (EASY POINTSSSSSS)?

It wasn't until the ratification of the nineteenth amendment, in 1920, that women saw a triumph with the right to vote.

What website am I thinking of?

It gives you a daily challenge i.e. when someone says a word that starts with e you have to bark. I don't remember much else but I do remember hearing about it on My Life Is Average or AMirite or someother site.

Period Questions. Really urgent.?

I would calm down. Your peirod can be late sometimes for no reason. Is there anything else that could be stressing you out? And when you had sex was it the first time cause that can makeit late too. I wouldn't worry my peirod was 2 weeks late in Feb. and I was fine. I'm sure you'll be ok. Your cycle could be changing too cause thats what happenedtoo me. It went from about the 15th to about 24th. Don't worry too much im sure you'll be fine!

Having a bit of jealousy trouble!?

I met this boy shortly before school ended, and we've become quite good friends. We talk nearly every day. Today, this other girl I know started chatting him up and he told me he thinks she's cute. And the most appalling thing happened. I got SO jealous! If I'm getting jealous every time a pretty girl talks to him, that's a sign right? Do I have a crush on him? I think I might. If I do, or even if I don't, what do I do about the envy?

My dogs got into a fight, and one got a puncture wound, what do I do?

First off, it needs to go to the vet. It's unfortunate that her mom is refusing medical help because the deep wound can get infected. My dogs got into a very serious fight once when one of my females was in an aggressive heat cycle. One of my dogs had a puncture wound, and we took her to the vet. They gave her antibiotics to prevent an infection, and we went to the store to get gauze to wrap her leg. After maybe a week, she was healing and walking just fine. Good luck with your dogs! :)

A family I know abuses their dog, what should I do?

A family I breifly know are abusing their poodle. The dog barks quite alot, which is anoying, and they always yell at him, hit him with a paddle, kick him, etc. What should I do? I love the family, and dont want them to get in legal trouble, but the dog is being hurt! What do I do?

Are women who have babies without being married less respected?

i feel it depends on their age, how they act....because there are some women i see with women that are married and have children or expecting and i think they are just shitty *** people and i dont respect them at all, and there are women that arent married and they are great people and work hard to support their child and themselves....

I have a staffordshire bull terrier who hates other dogs he goes mental and barks he was attacked as a pup?

he also saw my daughter be attacked by another dog and jumped in to defend her i just want him to get on with other dogs. also he is worse towards other dogs when i have my children

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I had to get surgery and was absent for this, please help me with world history? 10 pts?

11 a 12 c 13 c 14 d 15 a 16 c (?) 17 d 18 b 19 d 20 d 16 was answered by elimination not absolute knowledge. hope it helps.

If God gave us the knowledge of right and wrong, and without him there's no right and wrong, how come...?

...then how come I'm appalled by the actions he signed off on in the old testament? Why am I appalled by his 'prophets', including Jesus who said he had come to fulfill old testament laws.

Orphanages in the 1910s and 1920s living conditions and adoption rate?

What were the living conditions and adoption rate during in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the United States? What was the population also?

Where do creationists get the gall to accuse evolutionists of being dishonest?

I think to a certain extent many atheist's hand's are tied by the need to be honest with themselves and others, many find it dishonest to make outrageous claims that we have not sought to validate within the boundaries of reality. That's why such outlandish claims are often made by creationists, claims with no reality or logic. Trying to address these untruths whilst staying within the boundaries of truth is nigh on impossible. Two sets of rules.

What are three inventions that changed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that change the us?

three important innovations (inventions) of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and to explain how each innovation changed life in the United States. Please & thank you

What is this ee cummings poem about?

I feel that he is a bit too careless in the ways of love. he tends to exaggerate (not really lying about things, but not fully honest) and he is endlessly being argues over by the ladies who really care for him, but they all know it's a lost cause

Early US History Help!?

The early 19th century was the time of the War of 1812, and the US conflict with Arab Barbary Pirates. I guess I might Google War of 1812, US v. Barbary Pirates, and read about what role 'nationalism' or national feeling/ patriotic feeling may have played in them.

Need help from experieced teachers!!!!!!?

Has he been tested, or is your school just letting him slip through the cracks? It looks as though he likes history and geography and doesn't do well in math or science, in which he could have a disability. He's getting too big to be held back. Some states don't allow kids to be held back more than once in one grade. I'd pass him and get him some testing. If he's doing good work it could also be that he doesn't test well and could be eligible for extra time on exams. It sounds like the school is failing him rather than the other way around.

What kind of dog should i get?

Hello my name is Julio and I'm wanting to get a dog. My brother is going to be moving to college next year and my parents will be working during the weekdays, so i will be lonely after school. I was wondering what a nice dog for me would be. The size doesn't matter to me, id like a dog that doesn't need too much exercise, one that doesn't bark or shed too much, I'd be at school for around 7 hours every weekday. I live in a small house with a small yard but I do have a park nearby. So what is a nice quiet dog that will be my buddy while I'm home alone? Also if anyone has any ideas how to convince my parents to get me a dog that would be helpful ( my dad is scared of dogs). Thank you in advance.

Happy Place Gone Violent! Freaky Dream THAT CHILDREN SHOULD NOT READ!!! Help?

Sound like you feel bad for being gay. Witch, you shouldn't. C: It's normal, and if your Dad loved you, I'm sure he did, he wouldn't have a problem with it, and neither will God. I say, stay in your happy place. Xp (once you make it happy again) Sorry I couldn't be more help.

Help identifying my bonsai.?

I am in Minnesota, I bought it from a home depot. It has leaves that are anywhere from half an inch long to an inch, dark green, wavy at the edges, not prickely, I repotted it & the roots were swirled around in a circle in the pot (not sure if that matters) the leaves grow all long the branch, not in clusters, they come to a point at the end, the bark right now (not sure if it's all that healthy, it is growing though) is a greyish brown, I can see a little green through the bark (it's not very thick yet) it has some little pokey bumps on it all over. Doesn't look sick though, looks like thats how it's supposed to be. It is not growing any roots from the branches (like a ficus would if I've read correctly) any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Wouldn't you consider this rude?? I feel so embarrassed?

My girlfriend invited me over to her house tonight to have dinner with his dad. So it was all good and all except her dad was acting a bit arrogant and haughty. Anyway, we were eating dinner and the Father in the middle of our dinner said that he needed to talk to me before I went home. My gf looked embarrassed when her dad said that. So after we finish our dinner I go into the living room and her dad started giving me tips about how to eat properly. He criticized the fact that I had my elbows on the table, didn't chew properly, didn't set the fork and spoon correctly, and pushed my meal away after I was finished. He said if I wanted to be his daughter's boyfriend then I needed to have better table manners and etiquette. I was so appalled by him that I just said thank you for the tips and goodnight. My girlfriend did say sorry as I was leaving the door but I said don't worry about it.

Why did all those socialist communities fail in America?

If the society where you live doesn't permit secure private ownership of property it will stagnate and probably fail. This holds true not just for socialist communities, but for non-socialist societies where people's property rights can be easily destroyed by fraud and corrupt officials (think any hell hole where there is no way you can prove you own the land your house is built on). If the effort you put into improvement and enterprise is easily forfeit, why make the effort at all? Working for the greater good may make some rich kid NYU poli sci major feel warm and fuzzy, but it doesn't work for the rest of the world.

Are hedgehogs good pets?

im 13 and want to get a hedgehog,,,are they ok to handle? and also i have a dog...will the hedgehog be ok when it barks?

I'm very self conscience about my vagina?

My Mom likes to call it the "family curse." Hahahaha. I have, what seems like, a regular sized outer labia, but I have a very large inner labia. It protrudes outside of my outer labia. I'm so self conscience about this that I won't even let my boyfriend really look at it. Let alone eat me out. I feel like I should get surgery to have it reduced in size. Is this normal? Will he be appalled by this?

What women did in world war 1?

A conclusion paragraph explaining how women moving into workplace strengthened their position as being citizens, as opposed to dependents or property.

Why do many dogs start barking when one dogs decides to bark?

For example, there's this dog in the neighborhood who constantly barks, and whenever he starts, ALL the dogs start barking. Why do they do this?

What is the line between a dog's temperament and a dog that hasn't been trained or should be put down?

yes its rampant that people have a disney-like view of what a dog is and far far too little experence to know that such dogs do not exist.

Please help me im dying in pain.tell me what is right?

My little 5 year old pomeranian was so cute and friendly yet very vicious sometimes.last week he bit me because I went close to him to smell his shampoo on his coat and he jumped at me all of a sudden ripped the corner of my lip.I got 8 stiches because of it.then my parents gave the dog away.I misss him.I'm 23 years old and I cry everyday for not having my dad told me today that I caused all really broke my heart.they told me so many times to not go so close to the dog but its my dog I wanted to love him hug him kiss him.he was okay sometimes and he wasn't okay with me hugging him some other times.all my friends dogs never bite.but my dog did a I miss him I can't get him back.I ccant focus and study and I'm being super needy towards my bf because I feel depressed and baby is not waiting for me by the window to get home everyday,I don't hear him bark,I don't have to close the door so he doeant run away and I don't have to check on his food and water anymore.its driving me crazy.everyday I missed him and looked at his pics untill I'd get home to play with him and now thered nothing at home there's no hope noone to miss:(I will never love a dog that much again!I will never be the same.please help me

Will my dog and cat get along?

when i first adopted my dog about a week ago, he would spin jump bark and run towards her. but my cat would be calm and wouldnt care about him, now he kinda listens when he sees her a the sliding glass door, but now my cat is terrified, he also keeps getting out of the house and running all over the nieghborhood to chase cats, gladly that way i found out , once he corners them all he does is bark, but now my cat wont come in the house, and when she does , she wont come out of my parents room, how can i make them get along.... how can i get my dog to stop barking and chasing, and how can i help my cat from being scared to death?

Humanities Questions I'm having a really tough time with can you please help? There are three questions.?

Yahoo Answers! What a great way to cheat on a college exam, especially an online degree... good luck!

Can you tell how cool a job may be by the number of times the interviewer asks you to bark at the moon?

Omg! That's how I judge it! Probably why I'm unemployed /:) 1 time means it's amaaazziinnngggg! But it's more complicated than that… more than once and this job sucks a loottttt, you will get anally penetrated by a turkey with a spatula… the turkey and the spatula will be inside of you and class as a part of you. I was so close to getting a job that would have been awesome the other day but then he asked me again as I went to leave! D:

Is it true that the more horrifying the crime, the more likely a jury is to find the defendant guilty?

The accused is viewed as innocent until proven guilty. I've been on jury duty and the judge repeated that fact a million times. So the jury can't go into the case thinking that the person is guilty. They go in on a blank slate and only make up their minds on the evidence shown.

How did the second wave of European imperialism and colonialism shape world history in the nineteenth century?

How did the second wave of European imperialism and colonialism shape world history in the nineteenth century?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Should I take the risk?!?

dont do it. I know you want to but its a two month old foal. Why why why are they selling it so young?

I cant tell if my dog is angry/stressed when we play?

So sometimes in the house I randomly like to play with my dog. One of the things I like to do is start running and she'll chase after me. When she catches me, she licks me and shows no signs of aggression or anything. However during the chase she barks. My dog NEVER barks except when we play this game. She is by far attached most closely to me amongst the people in the household. Since she hardly ever barks I cant tell if this is an angry bark or just something dogs do when they play around.

My dog goes inside for attention?

I believe my dog goes potty inside for attention He(8 month old maltese-poodle). He went when he was barking/growling/running around me roughly when i didn't pay attention to him, since when they act bad, you are supposed to not pay attention, right? He also goes ANYTIME I put him in his crate, and when I take a shower he goes. What do I do? :/

Somebody tried to break into my apartment! please help!?

ok i know im asking in the wrong section but i will get more aswers here, ok so yesterday around 5.26 am to be exact, my dog(a 7 pound chihuahua) started barking like crazy so i got up of bed and told him to shut up because i had a 2 year old toddler and my husband sleeping, my husband works nights and he gets home around 4.30 am. ok so the dog kept on barking until my husband got up and turned the light on from the living room, he looked outside thru the window and didnt saw nothing other then people getting ready to go to work.. ok so we tought the dog was barking at a cat or something and we went back to sleep, my dog kept on making noises and he was being weird the whole time, i even told my husband that maybe he was predicting and eathquake or something.. but when we woke up and when to the porch we saw the window half open, we knew that my dog scared somebody that was trying to break into my apartment and now that im by myself with my 2 year old son im so scared! my husband gets home around 4.30 so im so nerveous! i have a hammer in hand a broom to know to my neighbor upstairs and my phone full charge.. what should i do if they try to break in again? im afraid they know im home alone with my son, im 22 year old and im very petite 5 feet tallk and 110 pounds.. please help me, any advice will be appiciated.

A "Friend" abandoned her dog at my house and wont take him!!!?

I used to own a dog over a year ago and due to the fact I couldn't care for him the way he needed to be cared for I gave him to a better home. Now a "friend" had an issue with a LL because she neglected her dog for days on end while he barked and disturbed the neighbors so she told her her she had to get rid of the dog or she would call the SPCA by the weekend. Since it was such short notice I told her we could watch the dog for a COUPLE OF DAYS until she found a place for him to go. That was almost 2 weeks ago. I've been more then tolerant and told her several times she needs to have him out the LATEST by tonight. Now she is saying no one will take him, and she is leaving town for a week on a plane and has no where for him to go, and basically I need to keep him until she is back and figures it out. Except I have plans all week and wont be home either, therefore I've explained my house is not an option. She says she is working on an option, but I know the end result will be her leaving him. So... I've told her if he isn't gone by tonight, then I'm calling the SPCA and she said if I did that she'll send people to my house... basically threatening me. Am I being unreasonable???????? I feel so used, what would you do? Should I call the SPCA?

Hyper new dog, idiotic mother, dog training shows? Please read.?

Well when the dog starts to get hyper get chain and throw it on the ground near the dogs hind legs. This distracts the dog and gets it to pay attention to the chain and then forgets about being hyper. Reward her when she doesn't start acting hyper again. Hope this helps

How to make my dog more attached to me?

Just love him as much as u can in morning go near him and keep your hand on his head fr some time and jst make him feel comfort table.he will love u soon

Whats you opinion on the Road Conditions in Chicago?

its appalling... horrible.. disgusting. whats happening to the good old Illinois i knew back in the day... too much traffic now.. ughh..its going downhill.. its sad u know.. :(

How do you get unwanted thoughts out of your head?

Distract yourself. Call a friend or go shopping or do whatever makes you happy. Keeping busy is a great way to keep scary thoughts out. Good luck!

I offended my girlfriend's Christian parents. How do I fix this?

sounds like you have no life. This story sounds to fake. 31 no job lives at home get real my parents would of kicked me out long time ago. if this store is true u need to got to the doctor take an IQ test when they find out your mentality retarded. Eat some more food get fatter try to make your self feel batter about the person your not.

This country is ruined...?

You have a lot to say considering your only 15, you should become a politician when your older. For now my friend just enjoy yourself, get laid, smoke weed & peace!

Coin Counting Vending Machine?

I want to get my hands on a coin counting vending machine. Not a coinstar I have to lease and obey a contract on. I want to be able to outright buy a machine and be allowed to do whatever I want with it without someone barking over my back for a leasing fee. Any suggestions?

Question of History Immigrants!!?

We have successfully killed the dream act for 11 years straight now. Don't get excited about it with a Republican congress and a crappy president who will lose his job soon

Help with some goverment?

What answers did you put down? We can help you with questions you're confused on/help you check your answers. however, we are not going to just give you the answers. That's what you seem to be doing with all your questions tonight...just seeking the answers from us.

Whats Wrong With My Dog ! :(?

My mom had took the dog to the groomers and when we got him back he seemed okay. But when we got home he was acting very strange. Right now its 2 days later and he doesnt want to go on a walk. When we do try and walk he just lays down every time we go past like 3 sidewalk blocks. He is eating though. He lays down all day doesnt bark anymore and is shaking a little. Were taking him to the vet very soon. My dad thinks its just because he has a small cut on his tail.

What are the mechanisms required for time travel?

I've just made a lot of things, i'd like to do again differently. Even thought it is impossible, I have all the time in the word and would like to pursue a quest for time travel. So just to get some external ideas, what do you think are the necessary factors/variable have been said to be need in order to control and/or travel in time? Please humour me if you're appalled in some sort.

Why won't my dog bark?

My dog won't bark and is afraid of everything. But she does act like a normal dog. I got her from my friend that made them have puppies and she got her from a shelter there is a possibility she was abuse. I only had her for 3years plz answer my question of y my dog wont bark

I offended my girlfriend's Christian parents. How do I fix this?

dude you are a ******* moron you need to go to college or get a job oh yeah and some common sense i mean pink shoes fake side burns really? this is why other countries laugh at us cause people like you. you wanna make things right get a job take a shower and walk your sorry *** to her house and apologize maybe try wearing khaki pants and a dress shirt or a polo and try to act like your iq is higher than that of a peanut. sorry for being rude but **** thats the harsh reality you sound like the real life version of peter griffin

Coco IS a fun loving MALTIPOO puppy! ?

First to answer your question. Since your dog is mixed, there is no standard to judge the rate of growth. As to your rant about it being your money if you choose to buy from a pet store or a breeder who mixes breeds to sell for a profit. You are correct, it is your right to do so, just as it is our right to call your dog a mutt since it is mixed. The way that you are approaching people is not a good way to make people want to help you.

How to stop my GSD puppy from biting people?

HE has very sharp teet and has already drawn blood. i know he is just playing but it really hurts and i am afraid he will do it to a stranger. whenever i pet him, he just wants to bite my hands, and whenever he does not get it, he barks and jumps for my hand. HELP PLEASE.

DS: Question about one of my dogs behavior, aggression?

Your dog's behavior was perfectly normal. It's a guard dog guarding your home. Further, running through the backyard triggered his prey reflex.

How do i get my dog to stop barking?

I have a 5 month old puppy and he enjoys barking up a storm when a cat walks by the window or he hears a noise or something. He's really small so he'll only really do this if he has something to hide behind, but he hides behind me and our husky a lot so it's a nusence at 3 in the morning when he wont shut up. He wont do it outside only while he's inside.

UBER ULTRA EMERGENCY! Black bear or rabid Raccoon?!?

I live in PA. My friend and I went "Coon Watching" We put egg yolk (raw) cheese curls and bread together and went outside, flinging the food for the coons. We heard crackling raccoon chirps and bark breaking noises. We went inside to get cat food eggs and peanut butter. Then, my friend said she heard a raccoon panting on our left near the woods. (My house is in the middle of the woods, literally.) Then I heard scratching, as if something was crawling out of a tree. After that noise, we heard more panting and crawling on the ground. We decided it was a rabid coon and we ran inside. I know black bears climb and pant, but this seemed kind of like a cub and perhaps a mom. What you guys/gals think? Raccoon or black bear?? Do you think it is safe to go outside?

How can I make my dog accept cats? *Beagles!*?

Do some research, and make preparations. In my experience, with some time, and a lot of patience, cats and dogs will do quite nicely together.

When do you use "interest in" and when do you use "interest to"? SAT question!?

It's almost always "interest in," which can be financial--an interest in a merchant ship--or personal--an interest in that fine-looking young man. This is the more active form. More passively, "That fine-looking young man is of interest to my friend."

Great Dane puppy having nightmares?

I think its pretty normal. My 10 month old labrador sometimes does that. I adopted him.....and I think he has a history of being I thought maybe they are just having memories about it.

Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm really getting nervous about my FSIL and the wedding.. any advice?

I really don't understand why she is in the wedding. I would never allow this. And if my fiance didn't back me up and say, yeah this behavior has gotten out of control, she shouldn't be in the wedding, well then we either wouldn't be having a wedding or we wouldn't be getting married at all. I guess I am just a low-drama, hassle free person who doesn't put up with this kind of bull crap. Look at all the energy you are wasting on this one person. Buying a book, having to ask friends and family to basically babysit her during your wedding. Really? Ridiculous. Just tell her she isn't a bridesmaid anymore and ignore her calls asking about wedding stuff. Really, too much time wasted on this, makes me think maybe the drama is a little bit, enticing? Otherwise why would you even put up with this???

I have a cat and a dog the cat is terrified would it help getting another cat?

We have had an adorable little cat Sonny for about a year and a half. She was great but our family decided to get a dog. A month has passed since we rescued our 10 month old Lab/Beagle mix ,Lucky.Their first experience was that of a chase. There were many more like this as long as the cat was on the move, but if the cat was at the window staying still a couple barks and Lucky calmed down. As for when the cat is running we are truly scared the dog may injure the cat. Then we thought getting another cat might help but were not sure. If you have any ideas on how to get these two animals living with each other please answer any help is appreciated!! Thank You!!

Naming quints! Help me please!?

Avery Grace, Mia Rose, Ruby Anne. Cooper James, Miles Nathan, Nolan Zachary those are my favs good luck wow

Too obsessed with fat?

I didn't notice fat so much in elementary school but into middle and high school, it really started to bother me. I don't like fat. The first thing I notice about people is their skin and weight. Sometimes it's not so bad on people when they shape themselves certain ways, but it's a fine line between what is okay and what is too much. I have some friends who are overweight and I don't mind it as we've been friends for years, but I don't want them getting any fatter. I think it's funny when people I don't like get fat. I feel embarrassed when my parents talk about how fat they're getting or eat too much in front of me. I don't want my parents to get very fat. I don't want my little brothers and sisters to get fat and sometimes don't let them have certain snacks when I'm in charge. I tell one of my sisters that she will get fat if she doesn't stop eating so much. I don't want to marry somebody fat or have fat children. I'm afraid of getting fat. I hate the places that have fat on me. I feel guilty when I think I've eaten too much. Sometimes I go up and down the stairs at my house or ride my bike if I think I've eaten too much. I've tried to make myself throw up in the past but I can't do it, I'm afraid it will hurt or I will get puke on my hand and usually stop after a few meager gags. I've tried to stop eating but am afraid that I will get caught and end up with more fat than when I started. But I want to get rid of it. I want to look like models on TV and in magazines, movie stars; I want my thighs to not touch when I'm sitting. I like to stick my fist between my thighs so they don't touch. I want this so bad, but then I tell myself it doesn't mean anything. I can go on, too, until one of my professors does a presentation on anorexia, bulimia, and I don't want to die, of course; but I see how skinny they are and how skinny I could be if I tried hard enough, and I told myself, tomorrow is your nineteenth birthday. Tomorrow you can start. Now today is my birthday, and I went online last night and read tips, and I've started restricting myself. I live with my parents but work two jobs over the summer and think I can do this. I like the feeling of being hungry, because I've done this before and know I'm beating it. But I'm scared, too, of things going wrong. I'm scared of being caught, but even more scared that when it's time to stop I won't know it. I'm afraid of this becoming my life. What is wrong with me?

Help everybody is at a loss!?

Since you already hired a trainer and they haven't been able to find a cause, I think the next step should be a trip to the vet.

Help!! How to celebrate my 19th birthday!?

I need help. My nineteenth birthday is coming up very soon (April 22nd) I can't come up with any idea as to where to go for my birthday. I live in Clarkson, Mississauga and I'd prefer to stay kind of close to home (oakville, streetsville, portcredit..ect) and am looking for a relatively affordable place. I'm not all that interested in the full out club vibe, but more then just sitting down at a bar - a happy medium? I dont mind if it's not as much of a restaurant, i can eat elsewhere as long as they serve appetizers. Any suggestions?

Is this his warning sign?

he is right to send that email... he was being honest, not mean and i agree with him. you will always have things come up in life and find excuses but most importantly make the people you are close to feel loved and special or just let them go.

My dog has Separation Anxiety, how can I cure this?

You need to solve this slowly ie put him in a room or put him somewhere he cant get to you or see you and then walk away for maybe 10 secs then go back give him a cuddle and give him a treat (as long as he didnt bark/whine) then the next time stay away a little longer and keep repeating then over time try putting him somewhere he can see you and start again. do you catch my drift? also look up ceasar millian (sorry if that spellings incorrect if you type it into google it will recognise him) im sure he had an eppisode about separation anxiety. i hope this helps! good luck

What can I do about my gay brother?

I can understand you being hurt about all of this. Your brother should have told his wife how he was feeling before deciding to leave, much less before having a relationship with another man. But you need to understand that this is between your brother and his wife. There really isn't anything you can do for him. If you can find it in your heart to forgive him, then approach him later and tell him how you feel about all of this. But otherwise, I would suggest you stay out of it. You'll only create unnecessary complications by interfering.

My dog who sleeps with me, woke me at 3am barking like crazy...?

I have a small dog who sleeps on my bed. This night at 3pm i was woken by my dog barking loudly staring at the doorway. I assumed her barking because she could hear my daughter walking up the hallway to come and sleep with us. So i turned my head to look at the doorway expecting to see my sleepy daughter only to my shock saw very clearly a very tall white ghost of a very old lady, the image was looking at the dog barking madly and seemed to be moving its head around in a very confused manner,i could also feel the energy and it was quite bright also. There was no anger, or ill will felt from the ghost but i was petrified just the same. In absolute fear and shock i turned my head to face the other way and could see it in the mirror, with the dog still barking i watched in a fear i have never experienced before, thinking how do i get it to go away, i then shook my doona and yelled out to my daughter, and it faded away. I lay there a while till i had the courage to turn on lights and check on my daughter who was sound asleep. i have lived in this unit 5 years and have never had anything like this happen before, i am now very fearful and am wondering why it came to me. My intuition tells me it was lost or confused and was not there for me! It did not feel familiar, nor did it feel to have any message or omen. So what would have made it visible to me and my dog? I am filled with questions that cannot be answered and am totally freaked out! Would appreciate any views you may have.. Regards Jo C....

How do I convince my mom to let us get a dog?

Okay, so me and my brother really want a dog!! weve been wanting one forever. my dad wants one too. a few years ago he promised us that we would get a dog in the spring but never did. my mom is the one thats keeping us from getting a dog, she said that when everyone is at school and work it will destroy the house and no one will take care of it. i actually would take care of it i love dogs and all animals, i have been searching the local dog shelters and have found some really great dogs, that are already house broken. my birthday is next month, and I am willing to pay for the dog and his/her supplies myself with my own money. We have 4 cats, but cats are such a boring pet. I do love my cats but i do want a dog, we have a huge backyard, with plenty of places for him to run, and we could probably get a dog that won't bark alot, so how can I convince my mom to let us have one?? Please help!!!!

Meddling / Controlling Mother-In-Law?

Wow it sounds like you married a man who was already married to his mother. I would confront her and tell her to back off or she will never see her grandchild and if your husband backs his mother then take the baby and go to YOUR mothers house and give him the ultimatum that, "you either back me and we raise this child together or you back to your mommy and continue to allow her to whip you like a little child. Grow a back bone and be my HUSBAND first and her son SECOND!

Can someone simplify this paragraph please?

"Oil exploitation began on a commercial or business scale in the nineteenth century. Oil deposits that were easy to find were smaller than those found further underground. The deposits ran down more quickly near large populations. "

My dog is acting wierd?

My dog just came in from being outside and started to act weird. First off, his head was tilted and he was shaking his head. He then began running around barking, head tilted and crying. We rubbed his ear and he liked it, but when we stopped he continued running barking and shaking his head. Is there any idea what could be wrong with him? We checked his ears but we couldn't see anything....

Would you blame President Obama if he didn't want to be re elected?

The way he has been treated by Americans has been appalling.All around the world he gets love and respect for his efforts but the level of division right here at home is unreal.So i wouldn't blame him.But he wont dare bow out because he cares much too much about the state of grace.When his term is up he will write and do all kinds of things.Much of which will blow a lot of minds.And in the event the right takes over.All the ones that so violently opposed him will see how wrong they were.Look at what has happened as a result of the 2010 elections.They feel betrayed by the right.We tried to tell them but got cursed like devils on fire.

How can I ignore the way my younger siblings are being raised?

i understand where you're coming from man. Its the same thing for me when i go home from college and see my brother doing nothing to help out my parents and he gives me attitude. Sometimes parents give up on raising their children if its too difficult. All siblings are different. my mom told me that i was easy to raise, where my brother was more difficult. Me and my brother are two different people she told me, just like you and your twin brothers are different. Some people are motivated differently, and it seems like your mom found the best thing for your brothers. If i was you, i would just ignore them as much as possible. You're what, 23? and these kids are bothering you? I know its frustrating but in the end we older folks know that that kind of behavior will not be tolerated in the real world. Thank your mom for raising you properly and give her props for taking on the challenge of raising your younger brothers. Theyre 11 right now, hopefully they will grow out of it. I wouldn't let their childish antics separate you and your mom. You only have a so much time with them. Think about it bud, seems like you just needed to vent lol

Crazy neighbor comes outside his house ranting and raving and cussing....?

he walks up and down his driveway, sputtering things I mostly can't tell what he is saying...till he drops the F-bomb several times. It's very angry muttering and sounds like a dog barking much of the time. Clearly the man has mental issues, I just don't know to what extent. I really enjoy sitting on my front porch, and I also keep my smoking out there, so I go out several times a day and night. He is always out there ranting and raving. I feel like he knows I'm out there and follows me, though that might be a bit paranoid (because he can't see me the way our houses sit). I just know it's so negative and hateful and turns a nice 20 minutes to spend outside into a stomachache - but he keeps to his own driveway. Do I have any grounds for complaints at all? I just can't stand this guy but suspect there is nothing I can do about this.

My dog killed a kitten?

I have a rescue dog, Had it for nearly two years now. We ended up with it as originally we fostered it for a friend who runs a rescue centre till it could be sent to the RSPCA to be re-homed. The dog hates being confined anywhere, which is why we took it. It was being kept in a centre and was driving them crazy barking all the time. Well, the dog went to the rspca who kept it confined (they were supposed to be sending to a foster home) which made it play up and they said it cant be re-homed and must be put down. We told them we would take it back rather than put it down, and so have had it since. The dog is a bit of an escape artist, jumps high fences, slips his lead/collar/harness and runs amok in general. It dislikes other dos, HATES cats (we have some) and if it sees any animal smaller than itself turns into a bully.It escaped off its coller and chain last night (during the day it stays out back on a chain as it escapes otherwise) and ran to our neighbors farm (over the road) my hubby went after it, went into their yard and noticed a small kennel with kittens. He closed the door, but left it open a bit in case the mother came back. Our dog ran past, saw the kittens pulled them all out shook, 2 of them, then killed the 3rd. My hubby tried to get him off the kitten, but every-time he went near, the dog snapped at him. He eventually managed to get his lead on and dragged him off (too late for the poor kitten though). We are at our wits end now. We cant keep the dog indoors because of our cats plus young children, and the dogs hate being confined in a room. We cant confine this dog as it will escape (our other dog does not) and as we live in a farming community, if it goes near or harasses any other animals, it will probably end up shot. I think we should get shot asap, hubby wants to try and train the dog, but is busy on a farm and does not really have the time. Does anyone have any advice/suggestions? Thank you

Can you guys please listen to some of my raps on youtube and give HONEST and helpful feedback?

You sound a little too simplistic. You should add more similes and metaphors and more introspection to songs like Dead Presidents. You should also try using more flows. And you sound strained, so a little more confidence can help. If you want to be a rapper, you need to kind of have fun with the lyrics and implement wordplay. That makes crowds go loud.

My LAB/Terrier mix puppy is being so aggressive?

Hey guys, my 3 month puppy is being very aggressive. He is barking, growling, getting into this position, and its actually pretty scary! I know its an act of aggression, and he's not playing. Please help!

Help with my censorship paper?

I had to read it 3 or 4 times to catch the connection between para.s 2 and 3. I was thinking, "The inverse of WHAT has to be correct?" You end 2 with a rather negative view on censorship, then you begin 3 with a negative view on censorship and say it's the opposite. Granted, they ARE opposites, but worded roughly. It IS a pretty intriguing story.

What can I do about my gay brother?

I can understand you being hurt about all of this. Your brother should have told his wife how he was feeling before deciding to leave, much less before having a relationship with another man. But you need to understand that this is between your brother and his wife. There really isn't anything you can do for him. If you can find it in your heart to forgive him, then approach him later and tell him how you feel about all of this. But otherwise, I would suggest you stay out of it. You'll only create unnecessary complications by interfering.

Can someone PLEASE help me with this history question? :(?

Discuss the ways in which slavery was conceived in the middle of the nineteenth century in both the north and the south. What were the arguments for and against the different types of slavery in each region? Discuss both the legal and the moral intricacies of this issue based on what we’ve gone over in class.

I'm trying to adopt a rescue dog, what should I do? should I go to the adoption event?

Try a regular animal shelter for one, instead. They usually don't have restrictions. But rescues are like human adoption agencies. They get to decide who gets what, and there's really nothing you can do about it. It's not really a good idea to have a young dog in an apartment because of the small space and the younger the animal, the more exercise it needs. Never adopt a dog without meeting it too. Rescues put 'the best part' of the dog on Petfinder, not the entire animal. But to answer your question, I would drive out there. They won't accept you for the dog if you live in an apartment.

Do you think it was rude of me to do this?

You should have gone to get the dog. While this may have caused a small amount of embarrassment for either or both of you, the girl's safety should be the primary consideration.

What happens if a dog gets wet with amonia?

ina clear bottle was clear amonia and my grandpa sprayed her with "water" b/ she barks alot so what hapens when she gets wet? she really tiny! HELP

How to stop dogs from fighting?

My one Aussie pup insists on constantly fighting with her brother. Also, she chews on the furniture, wont stop barking, and keeps pulling down my sweatpants (she bites ans pulls). How can I stop this? I tried curling her lips under so she bites her lip when she bites things, but this doesnt seem to work. I love her to death, but I cant take it. Any advice or help?

Is Ferguson the best manager in English league HISTORY....?

The man is god. It says it all that he has been with the club for so long & it also says alot about Manchester United because look at all the other giants sacking their managers every season if they dont win anything.

My boxer pup loves to hang around stranger?!?

he loves strangers more than us his family -.- i dnt mind him being nice to strangers but he barks at my whole family not me though and he bites thm so much but he still loves them. i just wanna figure out a way he would sorta not like strangers as much

Did the Victorians refer to themselves as Victorian?

I've been wondering about this. Generally, I'm thinking they didn't, but part of me does wonder if they, and the Georgians and Edwardians would refer to themselves like this. I can't find when the term 'Elizabethan' was 'invented' as it were, but I remember vaguely reading somewhere that it was the nineteenth century or so. If it was, and they referred to people living in the reign of Elizabeth as Elizabethan, could they have referred to themselves as people under their monarch?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Speaker a , b, c, d us history and government question?

D. We have been and still are the greatest country ever. We have problems, but we are still the most free, highest standard of living, and wealthiest. We are still stronger and better than China, Japan, Germany etc. All this was done with the mindset of speaker D. So it is a good system.

Does somebody could translate this page in Hindi please ?

दिया-यानी स्कूल भाषा के अनुरूप भाषा का एक वरिष्ठ स्कूल के शिख्रण संस्थान के रूप में फ्रांस के किसी विदेशी भाषा 1988 में सृजित की गई । हर साल, स्कूल के छात्रों का स्वागत करती 5000 से अधिक 50 से विभिन्न राष्ट्रीयताओं सम्मानित किया गया और गुणवत्ता लेबल fle फ्रांसीसी मंत्रालय से शिक्षा । स्कूल के इतिहास में स्थित है एक विशिष्ट पैरिसवासी भवन grands boulevards पर, उस जगह के पुराने शहर की दीवारें हैं.

My short term memory is really bad?

Yes, it could be due to what you said. I would recommend to do yoga, which will help you focus and increase your concentration/memory power.

NINETEENTH: Did you hear how BITTER Alan Hansen was last night...?

At least Neville will be working for Sky next season so the balance might be a bit more equal, most of the current bunch are ABU's

Was seeing this guy, but then slept with him to soon… Do you think he could still like me? Oops :(?

Sorry, sounds like he is a player, and you're one of many to him. Play the field, and if he ever shows signs of settling down, maybe try again. He might be one of the many men, though, who think there are girls you have easy sex with, and girls you settle down with.

My dog had a seizure tonight and im so scared for my baby girl. does anyone have answers or precautions?

Her doggy bed is in my room and she was just laying there a little droopy eyed and it seemed to me like she was completely at rest and just falling asleep, i saw nothing too strange and then i look over again and my girl is completely silent, paralized and cunvulsing,her body was contorting backwards, foaming at the mouth. was very obviously unconcious and having a seizure..all i could do was repeatedly call her name and eventually about a few minutes later she was still seizuring but she starting snarling and barking and snapping at us of course not being aware of any of this....she continued to convulse and bark but was trying to come around..and she made it on her feet but was frantic as i was but she was still convulsing and falling down..she was dizzy and falling over for a few minutes after that. She did have a potty accident during this. the episode lasted about ten to 12 minutes altogether and it was so disturbing and completely devistating to witness...and then now she is fine and loving like her normal self...and she was just anxious and very confused after and now she is just exhausted and is sleeping...of course we called the vet hospital and they said to watch her for any kind of abnormal behavior and bring her in if so....are their any vets who can give me more opinions or people with the same experience? This has never happened before to her and Im just scared for her and i need some answers...please help!

How is it that Italian has more jaw movement? What about Korean? Is it just 1 word or the full language?

In Italian, almost every word ends in a vowel. In Korean, there are many that do not. The pronunciation of all those final vowels produces much more jaw movement than a language that does not

Would you go out with a girl that weighed 199lbs?

You sounds like an awesome, goal-oriented person who just about anyone could have fun with. You're just asking for each individual's opinion so I'm going to be honest and give you mine. I'm 20 years old, very active, don't necessarily enjoy working out, but I do it every day just so I can look good. With that being said, I would not date a girl who weighs that much. It's awesome that you've lost weight and that you have the will-power to do it, but for my taste you have a bit to go to get me to look in your direction. Just being brutally honest, keep working hard.

What's that song? Looking for?

The chorus is something like "Love is right, love is blind, love is... love is. And then someone shouts something that sounds like a bark.

How do I stop my australian shepherd from aggressively barking at me?

She is 11 weeks old, I am the primary owner but we also have a large family. After a week with her she has started to aggressively bark and snap at me like I am a stranger. I have tried to stop it but nothings working, any suggestions?

I am really having trouble understanding this..?

You'll hear all kinds of rationalizations for these horror stories, but none of them really make any sense. Your reaction is natural, because you're a decent human being and this so-called god is a monstrous psychopath. We should all count ourselves lucky he's a complete fiction!

1750 to 1850 ad.............?

Many goods during the early years of the nineteenth century were made in homes or small businesses under the cottage system. List and describe some of the cottage industries that exist in your region today

Barking dog help????

i think it depends on where you live, but where i live, yea you could get in trouble. its kind of like listening to loud music nonstop. i had a friend that was forced to get rid of his dog because it would bark nonstop. but thats only if the barking is a real issue and you get a lot of complaints. i have a dog and i wish she would bark more. she is probably the worse watch dog ever. if a burglar was to break into the house, she would be the first to hide under the bed quietly and scared out of her mind but i still love her lol.

My boyfriend and I are love matches on the Slavic lunar calendar. Could this really tie to our relationship?

A boy I'll call Ilia* and I just found out we were love matches on the Slavic calendar. He is categorized as a dog (excellent writer and speaker, loyal, easily attached to a significant other, loving, stubborn, emotional). I am categorized as a wolf (expressive, loving, a born leader, affectionate, protective of a significant other or close friend, loyal, emotional, unique, make the last call in business decisions with friends and my boyfriend, knowing what I want and going after it, as well as utilitarian). Ilia* and I were both appalled to find this and we became closer right after we found this out. He began to tease me by saying "OW!" and a girl I'll call Tatiyana (his sister) began to follow after when she would see me. I know they're not being zodiac-ist or sexist. It's now our little ritual when greeting each other or expressing that we're having a good time. We have made a good connection since then. Could this positively affect my relationship with Ilia*? Could this positively tie to my relationship with Ilia*? If so, how?

Is it bad that my dog guards the house?

It's her house / territory. She is trying to protect you and her territory from unknown people. My sisters dog is exactly the same. Nothing to be worried about. :)

Is this weird to love my fish WAY more then my dog?

I HATE my dog but I LOVE my fish. I think the fish are cuter and best of all they dont do all that annoying stuff my dog does. See, it was my moms before she died and my gramma took it in(i live with her) Over the years shes neglected giving it exercise and disciplining it. So basically, its overweight and spoiled now. it never stops barking, it nearly bit halfway through my grandpas leg, it's vicious to guests, it doesnt know any tricks, doesnt come when its called, eats its own poop and cant even go for walks or else it escapes. Keep in mind I couldn't change this because I was only 9 by the time it was too late. it doesnt even let anyone pet it anymore besides my grandma. I want to give it away but my grandma says no or she'll flush my fish away. And the fish are basically my trusted companions. Imagine an awesomely trained, lovable dog you always see on Tv. my fish are like that to me, and my dogs like a rat to me. not a pet rat, a sewer rat. How strange is this? Oh yes, feel free to insult me. I DONT CARE. I DONT CARE. READ THIS MESSAGE YOU SARCASTIC PEOPLE. I DONT CARE.

My dog is an idiot savant?

My puppy is a barker. When I leave the house he'll bark and start cryin and scratchin on the door but he'll stay by tht door until I come bak. But one thing tht always shuts him up, is food. He likes cereal lolz or those little beef flavored treats. They smell kinda gud too xD

Some guy sent me a photo of himself with an erection, can he get in trouble?

This guy i know admitted to liking me, but he knows i have a fiance and 2 kids. I have no interest in him at all. We are only friends, well i wake up this morning to find a picture sent to me on Facebook of him with an erection. I am completely disgusted and appalled. Can I report him for anything such as sexual harassment? I scared he is getting obsessed and will go to any length to make me his

Have republican politicians done anything good for the America the past decade?

Obama is disappointing, but I can't think of a single thing the right wing has done better. The recession started under their watch, they barked for tax cuts which has not worked, and the certificate ordeal......

Does anybody agree with me that small dogs are very anoying?

I personally thnk that small dogs are very annoying. Everything is fast paced, they are constantly looking to bark at. I know some people will disagree.

Questions about my Rat terrier? little rat terrier moses is a very unusual dog,but my family all love him.Anyway,his appearance,he has black and white spots,kinda big cuz he eats our food,and hes very cute.But his huge issues are when strangers come in the house he continuously barks and jumps on them,and he even bit one of our visitors ear so we have to keep him away from people.Two more common problems is he poops and pees alot,especially in my room which gets annoying.And one of the hugest problems is he has seizures.He only has them about once a month,but when he does they're awful and usually more than 10.But what I need to know is,what can we do about his barking and besides the medicine we give him for his seizures,what sets them off?Strobe lights,bright lights?Just anything to help those two issues.

Strange feeling and dreams about death?

I've never had this happen before. But recently I have been terrified about death. I survived a rollover, and I've watched love ones die, but in the present nothing is currently happening to consume my time with this. Has this ever happened to anyone before? Its not necessarily the afterlife of death, which I don't believe in (this doesn't call for preaching please), but more the act OF dying. Its been bothering me for some reason. I know its human to not understand death and question it, but I have been appalled by it. I think I am bad at explaining things, because this seems normal, but its not and its hard to put into words. Anyways, I keep having dreams where I die IN the dream. I die several different ways, including murder, burning alive, not fun things. Then I wake up knowing I am dead, and its like I live in a parallel universe that is not devoid of color but has different colors then what I previously perceptive in my own life. Everything is so still, not a thing is stirring. No humans are around me, except sometimes a small blonde toddler whom has no relation to me, but there are animals that are lying on the ground unmoving but not dead. What is going on in my thoughts and dreams?

DS: What's her problem?

A little friendly dog like that doesn't need a prong. A prong is overkill. Try with a flat collar first, pop it the way you would with a training collar and bring her back into a heel. You greet other dogs on your time, not hers. Then again, I'm against introducing random strange dogs anyway. It serves no positive purpose and opens the possibility of a dog fight.

Dog can't poop, already taken to vet. What's wrong with him?

try rice , condliver oil ( idk how to spell it put that sounds like the pronceation), prune juice and ask about doggy laxitives. hope this helps

Should I try to keep my dog, or does the MSPCA sound like a good idea?

DO NOT GET RID OF THEM PLEASE LISTEN, no matter what terrible things you go through in your life you should NOT get rid of your dogs. DO NOT PLEASE DO NOT bring him to the shelter. I had a pitbull puppy, 7 months old. She refused to go in the crate to, was awful on the leash, and always wanted to go out. I was VERY attached to her. We got rid of her because WE WERE depressed and annoyed with her. NOW WE WANT her back because it WAS A BIG MISTAKE. I got VERY sick over it and REGRET it ALOT!!!!!! I was a lunotic to do that! dogs in shelters ARE VERY HARD to adopt out! THEY'LL live the REST of THEIR lives in the shelter!! sometimes the shelter's will put them down depending if its a kill shelter. EVEN THE SPCA is a AWFUL shelter most people DO NOT ADOPT there because their fees are TO HIGH and their APPLICATIONS are WAYYYYYYYYY to impossible to be approved and PEOPLE DO NOT WANT TO GO through that. you had the dogs a long time, be patient with them, when you get a breed like a lab or pitbull they are a BIG responsiblity, but they are so sweet to their family. TAKE MY ADVICE and keep them both FOREVER. You'll be HAPPY you did.

I need help ASAP!?! Questions across time and space?

Many goods during the early years of the nineteenth century were made in homes or small businesses under the cottage system. List and describe some of the cottage industries that exist in your region today

How can i get my dog to stop barking when i jump/splash in the pool?

I had the same problem with my dog, I gave him some dog biscuits it did the trick, I hope it works for you too

Why do some Canadians complain about how violent the U.S. is when they burn down a city over a hockey game?

What I observed in Vancouver last night was appalling. You Canadians should be ashamed of yourselves for not knowing how to lose with class. Of course I am not speaking about you good Canadian that had nothing to do with last night's riot.

My boyfriend can't come to terms with my past?

Long story short, I dated a guy for a year whom I lost my virginity to. When I broke up with him, I went completely psycho and slept with 6 more guys. I began hanging out with my current boyfriend, who was the ex's best friend (we had almost dated before the ex, he was always the "what if"). I began to realize I wasn't over my ex and went back to him for about two weeks. He broke it off with me after that. I was again completely heart broken and felt horrid about myself and ended up sleeping with one more guy, a mutual friend of the two. Keep in mind I wanted to save myself until marriage, am completely appalled and ashamed, etc. The only problem in my current relationship is that he can't get over the fact that we were hanging out and I went and slept with two people during that time. I explained I was not his and didn't want a relationship, and would take it back if I could. I am absolutely amazing to him and he readily admits it and regularly tries to tell me how much better I can do and how I deserve someone who doesn't give me hell for my past. I ONLY want him, and I told him I'll never let him get away. How do I help him come to terms with things and hurt less?

Period Question! Girls, please help?

You can NEVER be overprepared. bring as many as you think you'll need. Remember bring enough so you can change your pad (or what ever your using) throughout the day. I have no idea about water pressure!

Neighbors dog will NOT stop barking.?

At this very momment at 4:36AM!! That stupid mutt is STILL barking!!! my parents room AND my room are RIGHT next their yard so we CAN HEAR EVERYTHING!! I told my dad that we should just go complain rightnow, because they are obvisly not respecting the fact the we would love to get some sleep why should we respect the fact that they wanna sleep??... He said no -_- iv never met the neighbors but they are already on my bad side.

Why do my dogs do this?????S?

I have 3 boxers and 2 cats. So the oldest dog of ours is 6 years old. She was the 1st one we got so she was always used to getting loved all the time. Then we got ANOTHER boxer who is now 3 years old. recently we got a puppy who is like 5 mo. The 2nd dog we got whines and barks hysterically when you pet another dog. The puppy bites the ankles of whoever your petting. The 1st dog doesn't care when you pet another dog, but why not if she was the first one. Wouldnt she be more jelous then the other two. The two who whyine and bite are males and the one who doesnt care is a female. Thx and no timee waster answers plz (i was just curious)

I offended my girlfriend's Christian parents. How do I fix this?

Well if they were really passionate about their faith, I'm sure they could understand an apology. God allows us to forgive and move on, so I'd pray and ask for the direction to go. Leave them alone for a few days and continue to pray for them, and then apologize sincerely.

Help! Dog with severe separation anxiety!?

My dog has severe separation anxiety when my mother or I am not home. I am going to college and she becomes especially depressed and her anxiety is worse when I am not around. We are hoping to cure her before I leave in August, or at least make a huge improvement. When we are not home she eat the curtains and furniture, urinates and defecates, whines barks and cries, runs wild around the house, and makes a mess of the garbage and pantry. Additionally, when I am not home she becomes extremely depressed. She sits outside my door crying, won't play with her toys and is all around mopey. Does anyone have any advice? Will getting another dog help?

How can I get my dog to stop his barking habits?

I have a male yellow lab who is almost 3. Since he was a puppy, he's always had an issue with barking too much. Most times if we let him outside, he will do his business then come right to the door and start barking to come in. If I'm outside doing something other then playing with him he will constantly bark until I throw him the ball and if I don't pick the ball up within seconds of him bringing it back to me, the barking will get worse. My husband, neighbors and myself are getting very frustrated with this situation. Any suggestions on training advice to stop this habbit would be very helpful!! Thanks in advance!

Are Man Utd parading their N-N-N-N-N-N-Nineteenth TROPHY today?

I heard Liverpool are sending spies to take notes on how to celebrate a league trophy so they can update their history books...

Why did my dog bark at nothing?

Dogs can hear and smell better than humans can, so its entirely possible that there is something on the air that you simply cannot detect. At the end of the day there shouldn't be a real reason to be really concerned, granted it can be a little freaky, but if I learned anything from my own dog is that sometimes they just get riled up. He may have saw something that got him excited and it left by the time you got out there. Raccoons are crafty buggers.

Is this his warning sign?

Yes, I think it is a warning sign. And I have to agree with him, even though you are busy, you should take at least 10 minutes out of your day to give him a call - not a text or an email, but a phone call which is more personal. And will let him know that you are truly thinking of him, even though you don't have a lot of time to spend with him.

Is this his warning sign?

Wow, I can't believe he is still with you. You should be lucky to have such a understanding guy who is actually interested in your life, yet from what you say and how you broadcast his message on the internet, sounds like you don't deserve him at all and you don't give a rats *** about him.

European History Question =]?

Actually this type of Approach which led them to WWI is is result of Ignorance. their knowledge Made them Ignorant and cant produce Humbleness and humility which is the desired out come of Knowledge !!1

My mother in law doesn't want me to breastfeed my baby?

Tell her you dont wana talk about this subject anymore, and if she still continues talking about it than walk out or wash dishes, well basicly pretend you cant hear her. Yes breastfeeding will be painfull for the first week, but remember you cannot give up, you have to be patient, theres classes for breastffeding moms you can go to, theres oitments to releave pain, theres all kind of sources to help breastfeeding. Ask your doc. When you have your baby you need to breastfeed and prove to your mother in law that yes you can breastfeed and that you love it and wouldnt change anything in the world for it, your da only one that can change her mind about breastfeeding.

More appalling hospital 'care' how long before the medical secret society is exposed?

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Are you willing to take The Reverend Soleil's Bible Challenge (see below)?

I would say, no thank you. Unlike the good Reverend, and apparently yourself, good sir, I actually have a job that demands my attention more than one hour per week. For example, at the moment it is 1:30am on Sunday morning and I am waiting for a call to tell me that I can start performing my mainframe upgrade tests. So, you see, I am a little busy with life and all.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why is My Puppy Suddenly Aggressive?

Sometimes when a normally nice pet pet all of sudden acts aggressive, it may mean they are in pain. Take him to the vet for an exam is my suggestion.

Dog barking viciously?

My 8-month old black lab/blue heeler mix barks at my 14-year old cousin every time she's in the house. She normally does this with strangers, but my cousin has been coming up to my house frequently but she still barks at her viciously. She did this with my grandma the first time but now she does not. When my cousin spends the night, she has to be very quiet when she leaves my room or she'll wake up my dog. I don't know why she does this or how to get her to stop. Any suggestions?

What was the job description of a governess in mid-nineteenth century england?

off the top of my head, they tend to be the equivalent of a nanny, or perhaps a little higher. they could probably be closer to a housewife where she esentially runs all of the "traditionally feminine" aspects of an estate, such as cleaning and raising children. She could also be the manager of the rest of the household servants.

I think my puppy thinks my cats are dogs?

like she barks at them and she smells there buts like what dog do, do u think she thinks they are dogs?

Baby shower invite- Cost of the meal stated on card!!!!?

I was a little appalled when I received a baby shower invite that stated the price per person for a Champagne brunch! First, if I want to go to brunch and pay I'll pay for myself and go with people who's company I enjoy. Second, if you cant afford to host a shower don't have it at a location that not only you have to pay to park but is also not conveniently located and then you expect us who drink to drive ourselves home!!! Plus being expected to bring a gift? By the end of the day I have spent 100 bucks to go to a freakin baby shower! The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. I am obviously going to decline the invite but am I the only one who thinks this is tacky??? What happened to sherbet punch, cupcakes and stupid games?

A dog bit my friend! What should I do?

First of all your friend needs to go to the hospital, or the doctor or so to get the cure that she needs, and she might need some rest. Second, it looks to me like that big German Shepard is a bad vicious dog. He might have seemed nice at first, but by what I am seeing that dog is dangerous and should be reported to the humane society or so. I would find out if he has an owner, because if he is a street dog, that means he has no owner, and street dogs are the worst dogs ever, because they are liberal. So, I would not let him stay in your house any longer, before you know it he might get vicious again and bite the crap out of all of you in the house and you all will be big time injured. Yeah, don't take responsibility for that wild mad dog.

How to stop a Pomeranian from barking?

I have 2 Pom puppies, the 7 month old boy doesn't really bark much unless there is a reason for it, but the 6 month old girl barks a LOT and it's a shrill bark. It doesn't bother me, but I don't want other people to find her annoying and not want to be around her. Any suggestions?

My dog doesn't get along with others?

My dog is about five years old and he doesn't get along well with other dogs, we got him when he was about a year and a half and we have two other dogs that he gets along really well with. Is it too late to train him to be good around other dogs? We go to the park every day and sometimes there are other dogs there, he totally freaks out and whines and barks and pulls. If he gets near them he will try to snap, sometimes he'll get away from me because he is a very strong dog and he'll run up to them but he won't snap unless he is on the leash. I tell him NO in a strict voice but he doesn't listen when there are other dogs involved. I don't know if any of this makes sense, but I need help. It sucks that he can't get along well with other dogs because my two other dogs love to be social.

A creepy desperate guy? is something wrong with him?

too much porn on da brain! Thats what i think is wrong with him. I know someone whos just as stupid as him, solution for that guy is prostitutes.

Are you often appalled when watching the News?

Not by the events,but by the Newscasting and ways of telling a story? In one story, they referred to Our President Obama, as Michele's husband. It was so derogatory how they referred to our elected President. Granted,the story was not specifically about him,but of his children. Another story was about an Astronaut retiring for his wife(to take care of). They hired a Nurse to do that. Now I read a lot of my news. but couldn't help but listen to this newscast.

Help with my censorship paper?

I had to read it 3 or 4 times to catch the connection between para.s 2 and 3. I was thinking, "The inverse of WHAT has to be correct?" You end 2 with a rather negative view on censorship, then you begin 3 with a negative view on censorship and say it's the opposite. Granted, they ARE opposites, but worded roughly. It IS a pretty intriguing story.

Anyone agree with me that the UK is a shadow of its former self?

100% right that's socialism , lowest standard in everything, a dumbed down population that depends on the government for everything

I have unprotected sex all the time..?

I had sex the day I got off my period, two days later then two two days n a row right after and last week I had sex and I have been having really bad lower abdominal pains for about two and a half weeks and I've been bloated tender breast also I am suppose to start my period the nineteenth of this month which is is nine days.. what could this possibly mean

Why won't my beagle bark?

My beagle is 8 months old now and has never barked. He has whimpered a couple times but that's it. He is in the pen with two other full grow males that have no problem barking when needed. We use them for rabbit hunting. Is there something wrong with him???

In what ways was Marx's right and wrong about capitalist society and socialist society revolution?

In the Communist Manifesto, Marx lays out a vision of the future which he believes to be fore-ordained by the economic realities that govern history. The real history of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, however, played out differently from Marx’s predictions. Examine Marx’s historical prognosis and analyze the ways in which he was right and wrong about the coming shape of the world and the fate of both capitalist society and the socialist revolution.

If you had your dog since she was a baby, but she peed in your place and made it smell like it, would you...?

Basically, I have a dog who is kind of old. I love her, but I am trying to decide if I should give her to my little brother to care of or keep her and risk our new apartment be peed in and smelled up. I also have a 1 year old to raise. She throws up from time to time, and poops once in awhile. If I put her out back on the patio, she barks her head off until I let her in. After grooming, she smells in less than 3 days which would require me to give her a bath twice a week. My Mom and brother whom I'm thinking of giving her to, have a backyard and a bigger house, also another dog. So what do you think? Should I give her to my Mom and Brother or should I keep her?

Is this his warning sign?

Oh yeah, thats his warning. You either need to change or he's gone and you know what? I don't blame him. You're not being fair and I wouldn't stick around either.

N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-NineteenTH… Did the MEDIOCRE Man Utd team win the PL a little bit TOO easily...?

makes me laugh at them all gloating we won the league by 9 points and ended up 32 points in front of liverpool if we are crap how poor are they?

Am I normal for feeling jealous?

Recently on a vacation, the female I'm dating, (we are in our 30s) said out of all her former high school classmates, she wouldn't mind seeing a particular guy she liked who is now married and said "she was out of his league." I was appalled and said, I really had no interest in seeing old love interests as my only interest is in her. Am I wrong to feel this way? Insecurity?

Why don't schools serve water for lunch?

my school sells water with starbucks, smoothies, hot chocolate, and soda. so people usually dont get water since theres stuff like that...but you should complain about it! i know my friend never drank water and would just get sugary sodas and actually fainted so it is a serious problem

Are there a lot of women who find being manhandled and treated like an object arousing?

Maybe in the bedroom. But yeah, that kind of behaviour can be annoying. It really depends on how obnoxious the person is about it. My bf fondles my boobs in public, but he doesn't do it at inappropriate times. Drinking and partying with your friends, okay. Going to Walmart, in front of kids, people are giving you glares, and you are getting uncomfortable, NO.

Changing from Sky to Virgin whilst still in a contract - How?

It can depend on your router speed. Check this out first before changing. I've had sky for ages and the service is excellent. The router I have is 100Mbps and my internet connection runs at this speed.

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution threatened the role of religion because it?

C is the answer. Darwin avoided commenting on the Bible and said nothing about ethical conduct. Darwin's theory was never accepted by the ignorant & it is still a sourceof contention among the more ignorant members of our culture.

Handicapped parking fraud?

At the establishment I work at all sorts of customers love to park in the handicapped space. If they appear fully able-bodied I let them know that they are parked in a handicapped spot, to which they always reply "Oh I have a handicapped sticker." I don't want to be impolite in case they actually are handicapped. Occasionally someone will say it belongs to their mom or something, in which case I will ask them to move their vehicle to a different space. This kind of inconsideration and unneedful selfishnish is appalling. I myself am disabled, but my legs work just fine and I would never dream of parking in a handicapped space. I have friends who are missing a limb and walk on a prosthetic, and even they park in a regular parking space and walk the short distance to the door! I know there is a website where I can log their plate and handicapped placard #s, and hope someone checks up on it. My question is, is there anyway that I could determine on the spot whether or not this person is allowed to park there? A website, I could enter the placard # etc. Or the police department, if I called them with the individual's and vehicle's info, would they take care of it? Please, someone tell me that such a thing exists.

My Maltese female is sleeping a lot?

Ok my dog is usually really hyper but lately she runs around and then just knocks out. Shes beginning to whine a lot and just barks so we can pick her up (very spoil). She's only 8 months old so there's no reason for her to be so tired.

Trying to End My Pitbull's Nipping, Advice?

The best advice I can give is to associate bigger people with good things. Slowly start to introduce slightly taller people than the ones he used to being around, moving so that the people get taller and taller as you progress. When he does well, give him a treat. Start the process over with wider people.

Is it easier to get a pos lowlife nothing azz ***&$ off my gd block(let alone haven the **** one door away(2bc?

um, yeah got a section 8 or something bs asst. pos liven next door barking out threates of harm, shooting, killing, etc, use ur imagiznation, my white azz js cause this ***** is possessed by the devil, maybe much worse than that, anyways, I know the hoe got this crib from the city at like a bargain 2 good 2 b true blue price like maybe 400 max a month dollars? for a 800 or more comfortable coozy, practical azz crib, etc.. so yeah decent roof ove rthe hoes head but I DONT KNOW how much being punked by this ***** i can take, um, I heard section 8 ters, or types.. are easier to get bounced out of the neighborhood then others if they be causing bs (YES THEY ARE CAUSING BS).. SO??? can I do some **** her, take some steps, etc,,.. what steps if yes?? TO REMOV ETHIS HOE FROM MY NEIGHBORHOOD that was fine b4 her black azz showed (sorry, lov eblacks, a ton, gott aa ton of black homey) but this hoe done made my azz lose it : (

While watching Don Lemon enterviewing Pawlenty on Cnn about his take on a gays it appalled me.?

How could he stand there and talk to someone that just came out of closet last week and not offend a gay person.This sickens me as I love everyone I am no one to judge but he asked him if he had gay friends, black friends .What the hell does that have to do with being a good presidentail canididate for president.

I need advice on a Cancer man From cancer men (October 11,1993) Im a Libra women and His DOB is July2,1990?

i think he is being honest. the scorpio moon sometimes tests people by treating them mean because they aren't sure their feelings are real. when he goes away and comes back it tends to be real and genuine.

What is your least favorite sign(s)?

I hate Capricorn, Libra and Gemini. Because they think they're all that which I really can't stand. They always think that they're better than anyone else but actually they're not at all.

A few History Questions,TEN POINTS! please help me out?

not great at history, but ill try. 1.cities grew rapidly. 2. It emphasized the development of recreational areas as part of urban growth. 3. no idea sorry 4. i think a settlement house opened to assist the urban poor 5. ??? Progressives believed that direct election of senators gave more control of government to the people 6. thordore rooseveelt maybe? 7. whether the Constitution allowed for separate facilities for blacks